Dear You...

image courtesy: google images Dear You, “You’re the straw to my berry” eg]/ d}n] k|]dkq sf]bf{ ltdLn] yKk* xfg]/ cherry h:t} /ftf ufnf kfl/lbPsL lyof}. Tof] a]nf h;/L fork n] dMdM nfO{ SjfKk #f]R%, To;/L g} d]/f] dg KjfSs #f]r]sf] lyof]. x}g, d]/f] gfs saucer h:tf] y]Krf] eP/ s] ef] ? cflv/ ltdLn] vr{ ug]{ roll of price tags hlQ sdfPs} % " ? cf]O{, ltdL lsg */fsL ? Biscuit vfP/ af+Rg ' kb}{g t ! ltd|f] jewelry box eg{ rflxg] hlQ ;DklQ d]/f afpsf klg %g\. ca w]/} s " g{ ;lSbg !! Tof] cactus h:tf xftn] xfg]sf] ufnfdf ca lip balm nfPsf] cf]&n] ls; ul/b]p. ltd|f] Tof] ?kn] d]/f] d " ^ " nfO{ binder clip n] h;/L afOG* ul/;Sof], ca dnfO{ w]/} gt*\kfp !! pxL ltd|f], y]Kr ] (This piece of my writing won the "Dear you..." challenge conducted by Bhav products and Naulo team in the month of Febraury)